DDRSA Welfare Policies
The safety of children and young people in our sport is paramount. We want swimming to be fun, enjoyable and safe for all. All of us in the Australian swimming community have a role to play in ensuring that we keep our proud sport as safe and enjoyable as possible. Darling Downs Regional Swimming Association aims to be particularly vigilant in the area of child, swimmer and member protection.
The documentation provided below outlines current policies from Swimming Australia regarding member welfare and wellbeing. Failure to comply with any portion of the below requirements could lead to disciplinary action.
Child Safeguarding Policy
Swimming Australia has recently released an updated policy regarding Child Safety. Please click on the image to find out more.
Swimming Australia Policies
Click on the image below to be redirected to the wealth of information and resources supplied on the Swimming Australia website - Integrity, Policies & Rules section.
Social Media Guidelines
Social media is a great tool for communicating important information to our members. DDRSA aims to provide a positive and welcoming environment for all of our stakeholders. To assist us with this, we have developed Social Media Guidelines around our Facebook page.
General Standards of Behaviour
Please click on the image for the details surrounding the general standards of behaviour that are expected of ALL participants at all DDRSA meets and events.