DDRSA is the regional body tasked with the management and oversight of club swimming within the Darling Downs regional area. Encompassing 33 wonderful swim clubs spread over vast areas of south-west Queensland, the Darling Downs Regional Swimming Association caters to over 2500 members ensuring they have adequate opportunities to develop and compete, providing a clear pathway for all swimmers to reach their full potential.
DDRSA Committee
The DDRSA Committee is organisation of volunteers responsible for managing the region on behalf of all members. Duties include: Organisation of all DDRSA Championship meets, assisting clubs swim meets, provision of a variety of development opportunities for swimmers and coaches, planning future directions of the region, developing policies and procedures, communicating with members and responding to feedback, developing and managing external relationships, obtaining resources, whilst ensuring that all financial and legal matters are properly managed.
Darling Downs Regional Swimming Association is consists of 33 incredible swim clubs from all over Queensland's South West, covering 8 local government areas. These clubs excel in providing wonderful opportunities for their swimmers to have fun, learn life saving skill and reach their potential in the pool and in life. Click on the image to find out more about our clubs.
Technical Officials
Technical officials play an incredibly important role in the ongoing development and management of the sport of swimming. The role of the technical officials is to ensure all meets are conducted in a fair and safe manner and within the rules, providing equal opportunity for each participant. Click on the image to find out more.
Governance Documents
Darling Downs Regional Swimming Association take governance of our sport extremely seriously. Please click on the image to locate all of our relevant public documents relating to corporate governance and our operations, including our constitution, by-laws, welfare policies and insurance documents.