DDRSA Social Media Guidelines
DDRSA currently utilises a social media platform (Facebook) to provide information to our membership base and other members of society. These postings generally provide information based on future of events planned within the region but also relevant posts from other swimming related organisations and media within the swimming industry.
As a guide to the use of social media within our pages and also for clubs within our region, we suggest the following guidelines in the maintenance of the platforms as well as the content posted on those platforms.
Postings (written, photos or videos) should be family-friendly and feature positive region / club news and events. Always be aware that content posted may potentially be shared people outside of our membership base that we are unaware of.
No personal information about members should be disclosed, under any circumstances.
No statements should be made that are misleading, hurtful, false or likely to injure a person’s reputation.
No statements should be made that might bring your region / club into disrepute.
Abusive, discriminatory, intimidating or offensive statements (Cyber Bullying) will not be tolerated.
Before posting photos or videos of another child or team mate, please be sure that you gain permission from the other child’s/team mates’ parent/guardian prior to uploading or posting.
Always be aware that social media is a legal method of communication which is bound by laws and rules like any other written communication.
Any posts that breach these guidelines may, at the discretion of the DDRSA management committee, be removed and referred to the relevant authorities, if deemed necessary.
The eSafety commissioner is a great Federal Government resource to assist and inform people with all online related activities.